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Our brand guidelines

Shelter's symbol

The way we look and sound shows people exactly who we are and what we believe in.

Everyone has the right to a safe home and our brand will make sure that everyone knows this.
It’ll inspire people to join us and let anyone facing a housing problem know that we’re on their side and we’ll protect their rights.

That’s why, instead of brand guidelines, you should think of this as a guide to helping us stand up to the housing emergency.



Read about the big pieces: our inspiration, personality, background and purpose


Learn the options and rules for using our logo, symbol and wordmark.
Read our logo guidelines


Learn our primary palette, digital palette and infographic colours, including how they can help you design for accessibility


Read about our typefaces, their rules of use, and how to use interventions with characters, punctuation, words and more to really build the fight into your messages

Brush graphics

We’ve created a catalogue of potent graphic shapes and symbols to combine with words, images and moving images


Our photography needs to tell people’s stories, capture authentic moments, feel intimate and show the impact of the housing emergency

Moving image

Learn how to use our logo, typography and brush graphics in animations, and the art direction guidance for videos including end frames. Read the guidelines

Tone of voice

Learn the 3 characteristics of our personality, and how to write about people and the housing emergency. Read our tone of voice

Work examples

See how our brand looks, out in the world

See our content guides

Read our range of guides to learn Shelter’s house style, how to use case studies, how to write about domestic violence, and more.

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