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Batch deployment

Contentful has a feature that allows a user to select any/all entries related to a given entry and deploy everything at once instead of having to go into each individual related entry and deploy them one at a time.

In Contentful there is a "References" tab at the top left of an entry's edit page.

References tab at the top left of a component's edit page.

This will display a list of all sub-entries and allow you to see all of their publish statuses and publish them all at once using the "Publish all" button (if necessary).

List of all sub-components and allow you to see all of their publish statuses and publish them all at once using the Publish all button
Publish all button

This can also help prevent missing publishing inner entries when publishing the "main" entry, which will help both the content creator and QA when they come to test it, as sometimes a buried child entry can be missed during the deployment process.

Note that some entries may be linked to too many other entries for Contentful to display them, so you may get one of the following errors, meaning that this won’t work in 100% of cases:

Error - We are currently unable to display the references for this entry - The number of references for this entry exceeds the limit of 1000
Error - We were unable to fetch the references for this entry because it took too long to process

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.