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Inline callout component


Callouts are useful to create focus on important points, break up long text and give links more prominence. They can even contain an image.

To create one

  1. Use Add entry and select Component – Inline callout

  2. Type – defaults to ‘Standard’, choose ‘webchat’ if you want to add webchat icon and formatting

  3. Content – the rich text editor (RTE) gives you a few formatting options: normal text, H3, H4, bold/italic, bulleted/numbered lists, and hyperlinks. Use embed asset to add an image.

  4. Icon choose from 12 icons (phone, map marker, speech bubble etc). But the Central Digital UX team advises not to use them, or only sparingly e.g. for webchat callouts.

  5. Border Colour – please only use red or grey, the other colours are old brand

  6. Remove margin bottom – select ‘Yes’ if you want to remove the 40-pixel white space underneath your callout

  7. Banner colour – choose from white, grey or transparent (for use within other content blocks that have non-white backgrounds). Grey will be used by default.

 When you're ready, Publish the component.

Any questions? Email Lindsay Foley in the Central Digital team.

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