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Share block component


The Share block component encourages users to share a webpage with others via social media, email or as a printed page.

A Share Block can have an optional header and then up to five sharing options can be featured.

The available sharing options are:

  • Print

  • Email

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • WhatsApp

This component can be added into the Assemblies section of a page or embedded into other types of content (e.g. within the Assemblies sections of a Two column generic block).

In most cases, best practice would be to position a Share block at the very bottom of a page.

How to build a Component – Share block

To build a new component or add an existing one to a page, select Add Content. To build a Share Block component you will need to fill out the following fields:

  1. Use Add entry and select Component – Share block

  2. Name – this is the system name seen in Contentful

  3. Header text – the header copy that will appear above the box (optional)

  4. Share type – select two or more sharing platforms/methods from the list

  5. Click Publish

You can build a Share block component before you create the page, or from a page's Assembly section.

Examples of a Component – Share block

Below is an example of the Share block when the email and Twitter options are used.


It isn't possible to add a subheading within the Share Block component. A Simple rich text block component can be positioned above the Share block, if you want to feature more copy above it. 

Here is an example of a Simple rich text block above a Share block (without a Share block header): 


Any questions? Email Lindsay Foley in the Central Digital team.

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