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Task 10: Build this event page

  1. Create a new Page – Standard event, add your title, set your slug and put your page in the Test and demos section using Select parent 

  1. Add a new Data – Event into the Event field 

  1. Check the live Data – Event entry for Great North Run to see which fields to fill in if you get stuck and don’t forget that you should keep your data entry in draft 

  1. Back on your event page entry, add your CTA text and choose Form as your CTA method 

  1. All the copy up to and including the Have your own place CTA goes into the Body copy field 

  1. Add your sidebar content using two separate inline callout components 

  1. Add three two column generic block components into the Assemblies field for each of your event perks, defending the right to a safe home and FAQ sections. 

  1. You can add your Similar events links in the final two column block for your FAQs. 

  1. Add a metadata component if you wish and preview your page 

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