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Task 12: General skills

Can you use Contentful to do the following? 

  1. Switch between the England and Scotland environments 

  2. Find a photo of Polly Neate in the media library 

  3. Find the Gender Pay Gap report PDF for 2020 in the media library 

  4. Schedule a page to publish (if you test using this feature, please remember to remove the scheduling after so the content does not actually go live) 

  5. Use the main Contentful landing page to filter for all shop pages 

  6. Use the main Contentful landing page to save a custom filter 

  7. Use the main Contentful landing page to view all current scheduled content 

  8. Find the Contentful entry for the homepage using the content filtering function on the main Contentful landing page 

  9. Once you’ve found the homepage entry, compare the current iteration to the version published on 27 September 2021  

  10. Find the ‘Component – Byline banner’ on the homepage entry and then use it to find an example of another page on the website where it’s also being used 

  11. Find the tree component from the main Contentful landing page  

  12. Archive a page entry, first unlinking any components or assemblies it uses after making sure these themselves are not being referenced by any other content 

  13. Create a redirect (but do not publish if doing it as a practice) 

  14. Create a vanity link (but do not publish if doing it as a practice) 

Use the Contentful user guidance to help complete these tasks, and give Linds Foley a shout if you get stuck.

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