Task 2: Build a person page for one of our trainers
Add a new Page – Person using Add entry
Add your page title (his name), set your slug and put your page in the Test and demos section using Select parent
Now create a new Data – Person for Tony in the Person field. Try to find the existing Data – Person entry for Tony in the Contentful backend to learn how to fill in the fields (Filter by Content type > Data – Person > Tony to find the entry)
You’ll need to upload his photo into Media to add it into the page and you can copy his bio from the live site
Set Tony’s Category as trainer – this means his info will now be grouped into any content that displays the Assembly - Person Collection for our trainers
You can leave the email address and phone number fields blank
Do not publish your Data – Person once complete – leave it in draft and return to the Page – Person using the back arrow in the top left of the screen
Add your meta information – use the internal search to see if you can find the existing Component – Page meta information for Tony Martin instead of creating a new one
for the sidebar assembly, create an Assembly – Content Cards Banner. You can copy how to create it using this entry: https://app.contentful.com/spaces/6sxvmndnpn0s/entries/1mEXZBOm04flq8L59XB2uc?previousEntries=5I3SvQswqokzlQSaICisn1
Leave the page in draft and hit preview to check how your page compares to the live version