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Task 5: Build this press release  


  1. Create a new Page – Press release, add your title, set your slug and put your page in the Test and demos section using Select parent 

  1. Copy, paste and format text from the live page (using the standard ctrl+shift+V manoeuvre to clean your text as you paste it in) 

  1. Leave a space in the copy in the Notes to Editors section for your table 

  1. Once all your copy is in place and formatted, go back to where you want your table to sit and select Embed in the top right of the text editor 

  1. Select Entry, then Create new entry and then Component – Table 

  1. Give your table a Name and leave header blank as this table doesn’t have one  

  1. Use Choose file to import your table – this must be saved in excel as a .csv first – and choose import file 

  1. When you try to import, it will ask if you want the first row to be your column headings, so select yes 

  1. Check that the content looks okay, publish your table and return to the Page – Press release 

  1. Complete the remaining required fields – Yes for contact sidebar and No for show thumbnail 

  1. Find the existing metadata component for the page and add into the last field 

  1. Leave the page in draft and hit preview to check how your page compares to the live version 

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