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Task 6: Build this services page  


  1. Build the page using the Services page template 

  1. Don’t forget to put the page into the Test and demos section of the tree 

  1. You’ll need to create a new Data – Service but please remember that this should be left in draft and not published 

  1. Have a look at a live Data – Service if you need help working out which fields need filling in:  

  1. Once your data is complete and still in draft, return to the Page – Service and fill in the rest of the fields 

  1. You can copy and paste the text for the Main body copy and Useful info copy into the corresponding text editors, but remember to clean the text first and re-enter the formatting manually 

  1. For any phone numbers, use the tel: command to hyperlink them 

  1. Link any internal Shelter pages up by changing the Link type from URL to Entry and then finding the page you want to link to – this is really important as it reduces deadlinking when any onward links on the website change 

  1. Leave the page in draft and preview to check how your page compares to the live version 

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