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Video embed component

Shelter’s video component features a frame outside the video player, for you to add a subhead above and further text and links below.

The component uses streamed video URLs - YouTube and Vimeo are the main channels. It also supports audio streaming - use a Soundcloud URL.

Different page settings, different sizes

Depending where you use the video component, the player size will increase or decrease.

Some examples:

How to create one

  1. Use Add entry upper right in the content dashboard, and select Component - Video embed

    In the entry editor:

  2. Content - the rich text editor (RTE) gives you a few formatting options: normal text, H3, H4, bold/italic, bulleted/numbered lists, and hyperlinks. Use embed asset to add an image.

  3. Icon - the CMS lets you choose from 12 icons (phone, map marker, speech bubble etc). But our current styles don’t call for icons, so speak with the Central Digital UX team if you have questions.

  4. Banner Colour - choose from white, grey or transparent (for use within other content blocks that have non-white backgrounds)

  5. Border Colour - choose from red, grey, Facebook blue, Whatsapp green and Twitter blue

  6. Remove margin bottom - if you want to retain the 40-pixel gap between your callout and the content below it, select No

 When you’re ready, Publish the component.


Any questions? Email Lindsay Foley in the Central Digital team.

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