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Video embed component

The video component features a frame outside the video player, for you to add a subheading and further text and links below.


The component uses streamed video URLs from YouTube. Note: if your video is in a different format, you will need to ask the social media team to upload it to YouTube (unlisted). Please provide:

  • Video title

  • Video description

  • Thumbnail image (1280 x 720 px)

  • SRT file if you have one – this is a formatted text doc with the video subtitles and can be downloaded from most editing software

The component also supports audio streaming – use a Soundcloud URL.

Different page settings, different sizes

Depending where you use the video component, the player size will increase or decrease.

Some examples:

How to create one

  1. Use Add entry and select Component – Video embed

  2. Name – this is the system name seen in Contentful

  3. Title (optional) – will display as a H2 above the video

  4. External URL – enter the YouTube URL of your video

  5. Meta description – this is not visible on the page but is beneficial for SEO. Describe the video using search-friendly keywords.

  6. Transcript – if you have a video transcript, enter it here. The transcript will display as an accordion below the video.

  1. Bottom text – add any explanatory text to appear below the video

  2. Full width view – select whether you want your video to display full width or two-thirds width

  3. Remove margin bottom – select ‘Yes’ if you want to remove the 40-pixel white padding below the video

  4. When you’re ready, Publish the component.


Any questions? Email Lindsay Foley in the Central Digital team.

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