Banner component

The banner component has an H2 heading and text link. stretches to either column width for most page templates or full page width (in the content page template when it’s set to 100% width).
Create a banner
Use Add entry upper right and select Component - Banner from the dropdown menu
Add your Name - this is the system name seen in Contentful
Banner colour - select red or black (blue is no longer in use)
NOTE: If you’re not sure of our current design styles and patterns, ask the Central Digital UX team.
Header text - this will show as an H2 above the link text
Link text - use this to make it clear where the link directs, e.g. ‘Read about our impact’ or ‘Join the campaign’ (not ‘Click here’)
Remove Margin Bottom - if your banner is above another non-white content block, select ‘Yes’ to remove the gap between content
Link - click Link existing entry to search for and add the page your banner will link to. To link to an external website use the External link component.
Click Publish
Any questions? Email Lindsay Foley in the Central Digital team.