Glossary: housing acronyms
These should be spelled out in full in the first instance, with the abbreviation in brackets. Use the abbreviation whenever it next appears.
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ABA | Acceptable Behaviour Agreement |
ABC | Acceptable Behaviour Contract |
ALG | Association of London Government |
ACEA | Association of Civil Enforcement Agencies |
ASBI | Anti-social Behaviour Injunction |
ASBO | Anti-social Behaviour Order |
BA | Benefits Agency |
BAME | Black, Asian, and minority ethnic |
BVPI | Best Value Performance Indicator |
CBA | Certified Bailiffs Association |
CIEH | Chartered Institute for Environmental Health |
CIH | Chartered Institute of Housing |
CML | Council of Mortgage Lenders |
CPR | Civil Procedure Rules |
COG | Code of guidance |
CORGI | Council for Registered Gas Installers |
CPAG | Child Poverty Action Group |
CLS | Community Legal Service |
CPO | Compulsory Purchase Order |
CRE | Commission for Racial Equality |
CTB | Council Tax Benefit |
DIYSO | Do-It-Yourself Shared Ownership |
DEFRA | Dept of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
DHP | Discretionary Housing Payment |
DRP | Displaced residential occupier |
DTTO | Drug Treatment and Testing Order |
DWP | Department for Work and Pensions |
EHO | Environmental health officer |
FSA | Financial Services Authority |
HB | Housing Benefit |
HBRB | Housing Benefit Review Board |
HC | Housing Corporation |
HMO | House in multiple occupation (HMOs when plural) |
HMSO | Her Majesty’s Stationery Office |
HOLP | Hostels Online Project |
HOMES | Housing Mobility and Exchange Scheme |
HRT | Habitual residence test |
IHO | Independent Housing Ombudsman |
IPO | Interim Possession Order |
IS | Income Support |
ISMI | Income Support for Mortgage Interest |
JCWI | Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants |
JSA | Jobseeker’s Allowance |
LA | Local authority |
LAG | Legal Action Group |
LAS/LEASE | Leasehold Advisory Service |
LGA | Local Government Association |
LGO | Local Government Ombudsman |
LSE | Leasehold Scheme for the Elderly |
LSVT | Large-scale voluntary transfer |
LVT | Leasehold Valuation Tribunal |
MIG | Mortgage indemnity guarantee |
NASS | National Asylum Support Service |
NHF | National Housing Federation |
NSP | Notice of seeking possession |
NTQ | Notice to quit |
ODPM | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister |
OPSI | Office of Public Sector Information |
OFT | Office of Fair Trading |
PIO | Protected intending occupier |
PPG | Planning Policy Guidance |
RAC | Rent Assessment Committee |
RHS | Regional Housing Strategy (RHSs for plural) |
RO | Rent officer |
RSL | Registered social landlord (RSLs when plural) |
RTB | Right to Buy |
SI | Statutory Instrument |
TPAS | Tenant Participation and Advisory Service |
TRO | Tenancy relations officer |
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